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Alejandro (Alex) Garanto




Principal Investigator








Scientific background


I studied Biology at the University of Barcelona. Subsequently, I enrolled in the PhD program of the Department of Human Genetics of the same university under the supervision of Prof. R. Gonzàlez-Duarte and Dr. G. Marfany. After the completion of my PhD (2011) on the functional characterization of a gene associated with inherited retinal disease, I stayed one year in the group of Dr. Marfany working on the exciting world of deubiquitinating enzymes and their role in the retinal fate. In 2012, I moved to Nijmegen and joined the group of Prof. Collin at the Radboudumc as a post-doc. Since then,  I have focused my scientific career towards the development of novel therapeutic interventions for inherited retinal disease.  In 2021, after a successful tenure-track, I established my own group at the Department of Pediatrics and Department of Human Genetics on therapeutic RNA and DNA editing for retinal and neurometabolic diseases. Currently, I am a full principal investigator at the Radbodumc.


Hobbies outside science


I like music, travelling, watching TV series or movies (either on Netflix or Cinema), playing board games and spending time with my family, pets and friends.

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