On 15 March 2019, both Nuria and Irene started as a PhD and postdoc in the group. They started their journey at the Radboudumc together and they also finished it around the same time. Most of the group gathered together to enjoy a great afternoon to say goodbye to both of them. All the best in the next career steps!! We will miss you!!

Thesis Defense MELITA KALTAK (June, 2024)
On June 24th, Melita Kaltak successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "Pre-mRNA splicing of ABCA4 in retinal disease: from pathogenesis to molecular intervention".
​​Congratulations Doctor!

3rd prize best oral presentation AWARD FOR
EDWIN van oosten at DATS 2024
​​Edwin van Oosten received the 3rd prize for the best oral presentation at the Dutch Antisense Therapeutics Symposium 2024 in Rotterdam

Thesis Defense Nuria Suárez Herrera (May, 2024)
Nuria Suárez Herrera successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled "ABCA4 Splicing Modulation Across the Variant Spectrum: a Journey from Rare to Ultrarare" on May 16th.

Thesis Defense Tomasz Z. Tomkiewicz (February, 2024)
Tomasz Z. Tomkiewicz successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "Skipping, elongation, and restoration: A tale of ABCA4 splicing to pave the road towards therapeutic application".
Congratulations to the new doctor!

2nd Dutch Antisense Therapeutics Symposium (June, 2023)
Dyah Karjosukarso received the 3rd prizze for the best oral presentation and Imke Schuurmans the 3rd prize for the best poster presentation at the DATS 2023 in Nijmegen!

1st Dutch Antisense Therapeutics Symposium (June, 2022)
Irene Vázquez-Domínguez and Dyah Karjosukarso received the best oral presentation award and best poster award, respectively, during the 1st Dutch Antisense Therapeutics Symposium. Well deserved!
Congratulations to both :)

Walking for sight! (february-JULy, 2022)
Alex, Nuria, Tom and Irene are walking the 4daagse 2022 and they are training hard!! They also took this opportunity to start a fundraising action for Oogfonds (an eye foundation which investes in patient care and research)!
Do you want to participate or read more about this? Click in the link below:

party Time! (february 18th, 2022)
First PhD defense from our department. We were very happy to attend to our colleague's celebration! Congratulations Suzanne for a such amazing PhD and work!

Sinterklass came and christmas are closer!
SinterKlaas came to the lab!!
Members of the Collin & Garanto lab wish you a Merry Christmas 2021-20212!!

Sweets for all BGT members!
Blindness gene therapy meeting (October 18th, 2021)
Our group is growing! We had our first in-person BGT meeting after more than a year. Also, this was the first group meeting for Femke and Yunus, welcome!
Today, we had very nice research updates from Tom and Nuria. Femke also prepared a delicious cake for all of us!

Our first activity together in a long time. Also, the official farewell for our students Elena and Tabea. We will miss you a lot!
The weather was amazing and we enjoyed the time together playing games, eating pizza and home-made cake.

submission of the first paper (march, 31st 2021)
After a lot of work and a some last-minute technical issues, Tom and Nuria submitted together their first research article as first authors!!

Update (April 23rd, 2021):
Paper is accepted!!
Visit the Publications section for more information!
NEW OFFICE for a new professor (FEBRUARY, 2nd 2021)
We have a new Professor in house! Rob Collin has become Professor in Molecular Therapies for Inherited Retinal Diseases. We have congratulated him by decorating his office!

Prof. Collin!
Members of the Collin & Garanto lab wish you a Merry Christmas 2020-2021!!
Stay safe.
Our pretty BGT models (from left to right): Alex, Nuria, Eleonora, Irene and Tom.

WEDDING IN THE BGT! (september 16th, 2020)
Despite the COVID-19 measures postponed this event once, we were so happy to be with our beloved Anita on her wedding day. Congratulations!!!
Congratulations to the new marriage!

After >140 days with no social activities together, we reunited for Pizza & Drinks at the park before the summer break. The weather was lovely, and we had fun seeing each other!

After several weeks seeing each other through a screen...
...we were allowed to resume our work in the lab, of course following the new rules:
1,5 m distance from each other!

Members of the Collin & Garanto lab wish you all a happy (quarantine) Easter!!
Stay safe.
Artistic credits to Tomasz Tomkiewicz.
Blindness gene therapy meeting (february 21st, 2020)
The group is still growing.
Today, Manon and Tess presented and Anita baked an amazing cake... We enjoyed it so much!
(no leftovers)

Blindness gene therapy meeting (february 7th, 2020)

We welcomed three new students to the group.
This week...
Nuria presented her project and baked a fabulous cake for everyone.

Tom's birthday celebration (January 14th, 2020)

Happy 28 years!!
As a present...
Going together to an Escape Room!!!